CH Olson, I for one like the change and think the ASU looks sharp. It will be nice having one dress uniform we need to upkeep. I only wish we could enter the Army without having to purchase the Class As. Oh well, just a little more money.
I like the new uniform as well. I seems to be very close to the dress blues, so hopefully we will only have to make a few small changes. I am hoping as well that they will not make use buy the greens at CHBOLC because they will obviously not be needed after this fall. Here's to hoping. God Bless
I've always liked the blue uniform. I think they will be great to wear on a regular basis. And Lord willing, by the time I get to CHOBLC in January, I should be able to purchase these at the clothing store and sidestep the need for the green uniform. We'll see.
Eph 4:4-6
There is one body and one Spirit- just as you were called to one hope when you were called- one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
I am a passionate lover of God who desires to see the good news of the redemption of man spread to all people. My wife Ladonna and I have six children:
James Mathew,
Daniel David,
Sarah Elizabeth,
Joshua Caleb,
John Mark,
Anna Maria.
I am a graduate of Bryan College in Dayton Tn. and will soon graduate from Southern Theological Seminary in Louisville Ky. I am currently serving as the founding pastor of New Life Community Baptist Church and will soon become a full time chaplain in the U.S. Army.
CH Olson,
I for one like the change and think the ASU looks sharp. It will be nice having one dress uniform we need to upkeep. I only wish we could enter the Army without having to purchase the Class As. Oh well, just a little more money.
Ch. Kay,
I like the new uniform as well. I seems to be very close to the dress blues, so hopefully we will only have to make a few small changes. I am hoping as well that they will not make use buy the greens at CHBOLC because they will obviously not be needed after this fall. Here's to hoping. God Bless
The look pretty good to me and it makes sense to streamline the uniforms anyway.
I've always liked the blue uniform. I think they will be great to wear on a regular basis. And Lord willing, by the time I get to CHOBLC in January, I should be able to purchase these at the clothing store and sidestep the need for the green uniform. We'll see.
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