Sunday, July 15, 2007

Week 6 - End of Phase One

Greetings from the long lost blogger. Some of you have been wondering if I have fallen off the earth, or if the Army finally got the best of me. But, I am still alive and well! After recovering from a bad case of CHBOLC, I found the energy to blog again and to try to catch up a little.

The best news I can share with you is that my family arrives here in just a few hours. It has been over six weeks since I have seen them, so the reunion will be good. We will spend time swimming, fishing, playing at the playground, and going to the water park here on base.

The last two weeks have been spent mainly in the classroom covering military stuff. A few noteworthy things to mention however are interesting enough to pass along.

One of our afternoons was spent covering the history of the Chaplaincy. In the next two pictures you will see many of the items the chaplain school historian brought to class that represent the many eras of the chaplaincy. There have been chaplains in the Army ever since the Revolutionary War. Today there are well over 2000 chaplains serving in the Army as well as those serving in the other branches.

On Thursday of this past week, we took what is called a "Staff Ride" out to a place called Cowpens. A Staff Ride is opportunity for commanders to take his or her staff out to a historic military site in order to help them gain a better perspective on military history. Cowpens is a battlefield located near the South and North Carolina borders that was a critical Revolutionary battle field. The battle of Cowpens was the pivotal battle in the Southern campaign of the war.
This week began the involvement of student chaplains in the chapel services. Pictured here are Ch. May, and Ch. Kay. They are both fellow bloggers and good friends. Ch. Kay led worship that day in chapel.
On Wendnesday of this past week, our school sponsored a pray breakfast at the NCO club. The breakfast was designed to give us experience in putting a prayer breakfast together so that when we get to our future stations, we will have some idea of what is going on. Here is myself with Ch. Kevin Nagy.
One last thing worth mentioning. Here is the motor that runs the chaplain school. With out it, life would not exist.

Thanks for your prayer. Stay in touch.

Chaplain Mark


Anonymous said...

Dear Chap. Mark. Yes i found your sight it was hard, but i took your advice about leaving off the www. and just entered your name and so now i can read your blog. thanks for calling today, talk to you soon. pastor bart.

zxmacman said...

Hey Mark,
We continue to pray for you! We recently returned from taking 45 students and 15 adult leaders to World Changers in Little Rock, Arkansas. We had a great time working on 27 resident homes and sharing the gospel (150+ presentations!). In all, 385 were at the project. God is good, all the time! Our kids say they would rather go on the missions trip than summer camp to Daytona Beach! Take care and keep in touch! Your friend, Tim

Alan & Beth McManus said...

Hey Mark! Where are you? What's happening with you? We've been watching this blog and you slipped off the face of the earth it seems...or just into the military I guess! You are undoubtedly busy and/or having a computer outage. Give us an update when you can! Are you in Texas now? Where's Ladonna and kiddos? Heading through central TX tomorrow...possibly right by where you may be right now. Your email address with volstate isn't working for me. Got a new one? We'd love to hear from you and know how you're doing.