Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Week 1 - Day 4 (Wednesday)

Today we continued administrative processing. We began at 4:15 at the school house after which I was shipped off to the dentist. After 4 1/2 hours in the dentist office, I then went to the Legal Office to do a will and power of attorney which took another four hours. Finally, we went back to the school house to prepare for tomorrow which took another couple of hours. All total, the day was filled with at least twelve hours of sitting and waiting. That is why the Army's motto is "Hurry Up And Wait".

BUT - Tomorrow begins the exciting stuff - kind of. At 4:45 tomorrow morning, I will have an evaluative PT (Physical Training) test during which I will be tested on how many sit-ups and push-ups I can do in two minutes, and also how fast I can run two miles. If I pass, and I will, then I will not have to do remedial PT in the afternoons. Hooah! I am required to do 34 push-ups, 38 sit-ups, and two miles in 18:18.

Also, tomorrow afternoon, I finally will be able to wear the Army uniform. I know that in just a couple of weeks, wearing the uniform will not seem so exciting, but for now, it is a major step in feeling and looking like I am really in the Army.

God has been really good! I am blessed to be part of the US Army, and blessed to be an Army Chaplain. Looking forward to another great day tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Thank you for keeping up with this blog. I really appreciate all the day to day info on CHBOLC. I think it will really help me when my time comes.