Thursday, June 14, 2007

Week 2 - Day 4 (Thursday)

Can you say your full name, rank, and serial number while standing in a gas chamber? I can! But I never want to do it again!!!I can honestly say that I am glad I did it, but I will be glad if I never do it again. No I did not puke, and no, I did not let anyone take any after pictures.

Can you guess who these three soldiers are?
We were all instructed to go without patches, so that will make it more of a challenge. One hint, I know who the tall guy is.

Here we all are being marched into the chamber.We spent the second half of our day learning how to communicate using the Army's communication system. Here Lt. Burton tries to communicate with God.

Here is the first place winner of the "Feed The Starving Chaplain Contest". My Aunt Pat and Uncle Dick were the first to help make sure that I will not starve during the remaining eleven weeks. Thank you so much for the Blessing!! I love you both.

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